hi guys i am trying to read a text file which is like paragraphs and each line gives different information and also each words of the line gives a different information. how do i read each words and each line and then paragraph to next paragraph.
06.passengers.volume.A = 5 // this line means in hour 6 (between 6:00-6:59 am)no.of passengers entering station A is random from 0-5.
06.passengers.volume.B = 10 //this line means in hour 6 (between 6:00-6:59 am)no.of passengers entering station B is random from 0-10
06.passengers.destination.B = 5 //there is a 5% chance that a passenger's destination is one of the “B” stations, regardless of the station from which the passenger originates
07.passengers.volume.A = 5
07.passengers.volume.B = 15
07.passengers.destination.B = 5
so far i have