Where should I be after using c++ for about 2-3 months?

I'm seeing some really good programs (from my perspective) in the beginner forums, and this got me wondering. Should I be more advance in c++ now, and when are you not classed as a beginner? After about 1-2 years of coding in c++?
I've written about 7 programs; they include basic input/output, calculations, arrays, vectors, member functions, for, while and do while loops, switch statements, if statements and a little bit of functions. Basically everything I've learnt in the book I'm going through (beginning c++ through game programming)
Basically everything I've learnt in the book I'm going through (beginning c++ through game programming)

That books does not cover much of the basics. I suggest you buy and read another book, such as Thinking in C++ or Programming and Problem Solving with C++(which I really like).


I've written about 7 programs

Two - three months of programming and you have only written 7 programs? You are going to need to work much harder than that to learn the basics of this programming language. What exactly were these programs and what did they do?

when are you not classed as a beginner?

I believe anyone who has less than two years of experience with C++ should be classified as a rookie. You shouldn't expect much results with only 2-3 months of experience.
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(Don't read this as if I am angry at you, I just feel you may have come across to me as if I'm got really getting anywhere)
I forgot to mention that I basically had a month of due to exams and revision. Plus, I haven't been going through this book everyday soon as I get home from school otherwise it would've felt like I was rushing, and taking time is better than just day after day after day of reading and learning in my opinion. Also, if I just suddenly changed to another book, it will probably just throw be off because the order of the things shown might be different to another book. Furthermore, if you have read this book, I will finish then see how I feel. If I don't feel confident to start with very simple games, I will get another book if I do feel confident in my knowledge I will start game programming. I don't care how long it will take, everyone learns are their own pace. (Don't quote me on this) but just because you may have learn't c++ quite quick doesn't mean that everyone has learn't it quick.
But I may have needed that to get me to think more deeply about any programs I may create
I just feel you may have come across to me as if I'm got really getting anywhere

Quite the opposite, actually. I just don't want to see beginners, and yes I am a beginner too, rush through the basics and stop there. My friend spent two months learning C++, and then stopped there. He now lists C++ as a language he is adept at. I hate it when others do that. Hate it. That's not to say I think you would do something like that, but I just wanted to get that out there.

The book you are reading is missing so much that a beginner should know. I was amazed when Programming and Problem Solving with C++ introduced all of these new topics that were never even mentioned in Beginning Game Programming Through C++. If you choose not to read another book on the basics, then please read a book on game programming after you finish your current book.

What job do you wish to have as an adult?
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Don't worry, dude I never want to be like your friend. I'll never stop programming in C++ because I will like to be a game programmer, and I'll hopefully pick up new languages along the way. Something else to add about when I create programs, I create new program basically after completing a chapter through the book so I know how to do the things I just read, and I so I know I didn't waste my time. (On the fifth chapter) Hopefully by the end of the book, I will create a program which incorporate most of things I've learnt. Then go on to game programming (if all goes well)
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