Need help with C-stings that return character strings.

I'm studying for my first midterm and I cam across a review problem that I can't quite figure out.

This is the problem:

Implement the following C++ function that takes a C character string s and a
non-negative integer, returns a character string which is n-copy of s:

char* dup( const char s[], int n ) {
/* if n <=0 , then an empty string is return
Otherwise, a n-copy of s is return .
eg. dup( “hello”,3) returns a string consists of “hellohellohello”

I have no clue where to start (or even how to finish)
If you can help, could you explain to me what I should be doing?

1- Implement the following C++ function
2- takes a C character string s
3- a non-negative integer,
4- if non-negative integer ("nni") <1 then error & re-try or exit
5- returns a character string which is n-copy of s:

from #2 " Hello World "
from #3 nni = 3,
from #4 3 > 0 TRUE
from #5 print Hello World Hello World Hello World

The program is straight forward;
accept a small string of chars from the user (#2 & #3)
Checks to confirm that the value is positive, ( ie don't print -7 times ! )
print the string in a loop

good luck on your exams

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