Still not working ): Pogrady
for( int c = 0; c <= strlen(s); c++) if( !std::isdigit(s) )
throw std::domain_error( "non numeral in string '" + s + "'" ) ;
return true ;
To fix the error:
in WCS_String you need to declare: friendchar* operator+(char* lhs, WCS_String& rhs);
Then you need a non-member function:
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char* operator+(char* lhs, WCS_String& rhs)
In this function you need to manually append your WCS_String to the char* and return a char*.
That will now allow you to have a char* on the left and a WCS_String on the right of a + sign. If you also want to have a WCS_String on the left and a char* on the right, it's a little easier. Just add this to the WCS_String class and manually append a char* to your string.
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char* operator+(char* rhs) // *this is the lhs
To fix the warning: for( unsignedchar c = 0; c < strlen(s); c++) if( !std::isdigit(s) )