So I am extremely new at c++. I'm taking a 101 class on it right now.
the simplified goal of my program is to intake data from a user specified .txt file that holds info on library members, and assign each aspect of the data to a corresponding array. the data in the .txt file is formatted in a very specific way, with each library member's data represented in this order one after another:
Last Name, First Name
Member ID Borrowing Status.
Right now, my code to open the .txt file and assign the data to arrays looks like this:
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#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
//Declaration of Global Variables
fstream memberlist;
string memberfile, firstname[20], lastname[20], memberid[20], borrowingstatus[20];
void get_member_data()
string name, idstatus;
size_t comma, space;
for(int i=0; memberlist.good(); i++ ){
getline(memberlist, idstatus);
comma = name.find(",");
lastname[i] = name.substr (0, comma);
comma += 2;
firstname[i] = name.substr (comma);
space = idstatus.find(" ");
memberid[i] = idstatus.substr (0, space);
space += 1;
borrowingstatus[i] = idstatus.substr (space);
void open_member_list()
cout<< "Please enter the name of the member list data file: ";
getline(cin, memberfile);; // opens the file
if (memberlist.is_open()){
{ // file couldn't be opened
cout << "Error: file could not be opened" << endl;
int main()
cout << endl << firstname[0] << " " << lastname[0] << " " << memberid[0] << " " << borrowingstatus[0];
return 0;
This code compiles fine, but when i run the a.out file my output looks like this:
Please enter the name of the member list data file: memberlist.txt
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
what(): basic_string::substr
So you know, the memberlist.txt file I'm working with to test my program looks like this:
Smith, John Adam
123456 0
Winston Jr., James
123457 1
I did a little tweaking to see if I could find where the problem was in my code and changed it to look like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
fstream memberlist;
string memberfile, firstname[20], lastname[20], memberid[20], borrowingstatus[20];
void get_member_data()
string name, idstatus;
size_t comma, space;
for(int i=0; memberlist.good(); i++ ){
getline(memberlist, idstatus);
cout << name << " >>> " << idstatus << endl;
comma = name.find(",");
lastname[i] = name.substr (0, comma);
cout << lastname[i] << endl;
comma += 2;
firstname[i] = name.substr (comma);
space = idstatus.find(" ");
memberid[i] = idstatus.substr (0, space);
cout << memberid[i] << endl;
space += 1;
borrowingstatus[i] = idstatus.substr (space);
cout << borrowingstatus[i] << endl;
and now when i run the program my output looks like:
Please enter the name of the member list data file: memberlist.txt
Smith, John Adam >>> 123456 0
Winston Jr., James >>> 123457 1
Winston Jr.
>>> 123457 1
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
what(): basic_string::substr
What is that extra " >>> 123457 1" at the end? it seems like the while statement is trying to reuse data it already used and go on past the end of the file, and I dont know why. Any insight on the matter would be greatly appreciated.