Vector of vectors - accessing the column vector


I am using the <vector> class to define a matrix (or rather a list of vectors) as follows:

typedef vector<double> Vec;
typedef vector<Vec> Mat;

Mat A;

Once I have initialized my matrix A - I find it very easy to access each row vector of A. The first one is


the problem is how do I access the column vector?

More details:

I have a function

Vec operator*(const Mat& a, const Coeffs& x)
unsigned long i,j,k;
unsigned long m = a.size();
unsigned long n = x.size();

Vec prod(m);

for(i = 0; i < m; i++)
prod[i] = 0.0;
for(k = 0; k < n; k++)
prod[i] += a[i][j]*x[k].val;
return prod;

where I have that

enum variables {age,sex,race,health,dotproduct};

struct Coeff
variables name;
double val;

typedef vector<Coeff> Coeffs;

and I have defined

Coeffs coeff(2);

The following works fine:

Vec b = A*coeff;

but what I want is something like

A[][dotproduct] = A*coeff;

Thus I need to be able to access the column vector called dotproduct in the matrix A.

I can of course solve this using loops- but is there a more elegant and possibly faster way?


Perhaps a more elegant way would be to use boost::multi_index_container, but that is probably beyond your scope.

Having said that, there really isn't a convenient way.
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