I have two questions and i do not know how to solve them.
Can someone help me please?
1. Create a class named Circle. The members of the class are radius, area, and diameter. Include the following methods
1. set () which reads the value for radius from the user.
2. computediameter() to find the diameter of the circle( 2* radius)
3. computearea() to find the area of the Circle(3.14 * r* r)
4. printall () prints diameter, radius, area.
5. Create two objects for the class and print.
2. Write a class called Account which contains two private data elements, an integer accountNumber and a double accountBalance, and three member functions:
1. A constructor that allows the user to set initial values for accountNumber and accountBalance.
2. A function called inputTransaction, which reads a character value for transactionType ('D' for deposit and 'W' for withdrawal), and a double value for transactionAmount, which updates accountBalance.
3. A function called printBalance, which prints on the screen the accountNumber and accountBalance.
4. Test your functions in the main method.
If you do not know how to create an object, give up now. This is far too advanced for you. Most people have learned in the first five minutes how to do this. Here is what they learn first; creating an object of type int.