Why Doesn't This If Else Statement Work?

I have this if else statement in a program to calculate three grades from multiple students. I can't figure out why this function will always assign 'P' to letter.

The function is reading in the grades from the main program, which is reading in from a file. The grades are all out of 100 (I've been using 58 99 45 to test)

//function to calculate and return average with letter grade
void judgement(double grade1, double grade2, double grade3, double &average, char &letter)
average = (grade1 + grade2 + grade3)/3;
if (average <= 70)
letter = 'P';
letter = 'F';

If somebody could give me an explanation, that would be much appreciated.
If it is less than or equal to a passing grade, it sets letter to P. If it is greater than a passing grade, it sets letter to F. This is what you wrote, but it most obviously is not what you meant.
I flipped the less than sign to a greater than, and letter is still always assigned P no matter what...
So your code looks like this now?

//function to calculate and return average with letter grade
void judgement(double grade1, double grade2, double grade3, double &average, char &letter)
average = (grade1 + grade2 + grade3)/3;
if (average >= 70)
letter = 'P';
letter = 'F';
Yes, Sorry, I was trying to switch 'P' and 'F' to see if that was part of it and I didn't flip back the sign...

I'm just not sure what's wrong, I just know that something is.
Could it be because you spelled "judgment" wrong? :P
closed account (3qX21hU5)
This seems very much like a exercise I just recently did and you can simplify this probably by using a vector to store the grades, then make use of the vectors sort functions to determine the median or average.
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The code I posted above works fine. If your code looks like that, it's working.
I could swear that void doesn't return anything :S
I could swear that void doesn't return anything :S

It doesn't. That's why the function doesn't return anything.
If i could see all of your code then maybe i could help you out
but then what is the point of return;?

couldn't you just take that out?
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You could take it out. It doesn't do anything except make sure that any code placed after it doesn't get executed. There's nothing after though, so it's completely pointless.
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