Finding the highest and lowest values in a numeric array

#include <iostream> // need for, cout, cin and endl
using namespace std;

int main ()
const int TEN_INTEGERS = 10; // number of integers
int integers [TEN_INTEGERS]; // integers
int count; // loop counter

// Get the ten integers from the keyboard

cout << "Please enter ten integers\n";

for (count = 0; count < TEN_INTEGERS; count++)
cout << "\nInteger " << (count +1) <<": ";

cin >> integers [count];

// Display the average value of the intergers entered

long double average; // datatype for average
double total = 0; // Accumulator

for (count = 0; count < TEN_INTEGERS; count ++)
total += integers [count];
average = total / TEN_INTEGERS;

cout << "\nThe average value of the integers entered is: " <<
average << endl;

// Display the highest value of the integers entered

long int highest; // datatype for highest integer value
highest = integers [0];

for (count = 0; count < TEN_INTEGERS; count++)
if (integers [count] > highest)
highest = integers [count];

cout << "\nThe highest value of the integers entered is: " << highest << endl;

// Display the lowest value of the integers entered

long int lowest = integers [0]; // datatype for the lowest integer value

for (count = 0; count < TEN_INTEGERS; count++)
if (integers [count] < lowest)
lowest = integers [count];
cout << "\nThe lowest value of the integers entered is: " << lowest << endl;
return 0;

I am able to prompt the user for ten integers, and the average is calculated perfectly, but the highest and lowest values are giving me trouble. It displays ten values for the highest and lowest values when I only want one displayed for each...the highest and lowest value out of the ten integers...Please help
Just place the output statement outside the loop. For example

long int highest; // datatype for highest integer value 
highest = integers [0]; 

for (count = 0; count < TEN_INTEGERS; count++)
 if (integers [count] > highest)
 highest = integers [count];


 cout << "\nThe highest value of the integers entered is: " << highest << endl;
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Thanks a lot, who would have ever thought it was that simple
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