I want to make a Time Table Management System of a University using Object Oriented Programming,the features I have to provide in it are that if I enter the a new batch or Class, the system should generate time table of the whole 8 semesters such that there is no conflict coming between teachers periods like no teacher can have more than one period at a time. More over my system should also keep the record of Teachers that are Teaching, with there subjects, suppose that if a subject appears which no teacher is teaching, in that case the time table should indicate that no teacher is teaching this particular subject.I also have to give the details of Subjects Name and Code Number in order to generate a time table.Gaps between the periods of the time table can come. Now as I have entered the Teachers information along with the Subjects of Each semester, now my system should be able to calculate time table from the existing information itself.
Restriction is that there should be more than eight Classes used in this system.
I want an idea about what classes should I make and how will I be able to develop such a system in which no conflict between teacher's period is coming. More over the functionality must be provided to change the time table and changes within the time table without having any conflicts. If I command for a new time table, it should create a new time table different from the previous one.
Please help me about this, I will be grateful.
Ahmad Shoaib
And time table should be weakly, which means that we have to create a time table of 5 days, and secondly this should also be kept in the notice that no period of a particular class is repeating on that particular day.
If a Teacher wants to arrange an extra period, the time table should identify that which time slot is empty in that particular weak (5 days).