Looks to me like it might be memory corruption. You're probably going out of bounds on one of your string buffers and text is "spilling" into your begin/end buffers. Probably 'statement' simply isn't large enough to hold all of the text you're copying to it.
You might want to consider switching from C style strings over to C++'s string and stringstream . This will make memory corruption caused by buffer overflow virtually impossible:
(also seems weird that you're using hd_begin as a string when really it's just a single char):
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int create_statement(char hd_begin, stringstream& statement, ...)
statement << "SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM dj_music WHERE hd='";
statement << hd_begin;
if(hd_begin == 'A') hd_begin = 'B';
else hd_begin = 'A';
statement << "'AND (";
for(k = begin[j]; k <= end[j]; ++k)
statement << "(classnumber=" << hd_begin << k << ')';
if(k < end[j])
statement << " OR ";
// ...
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stringstream statement(stringstream::in | stringstream::out);
// to get a c-style string from that, get a std::string first
string str = statement.str();
// then get a c-string
constchar* buffer = str.c_str();
// 'buffer' remains valid until 'str' loses scope.