Hello guys!
Living in Virginia and going to school I took a cplusplus course. I was wondering if anyone could help me with creating a code for asking the user for their annual gross salary based off of the tax code
When I copied my code it did not add the int main (); in there the way I had it so I did have that
also yes I did mean to put grossSalary
finally that is true. I suppose i was trying to finde a way to calculate the grossSalary by the tax code of 1913 and that is all that I was given which consists of 1 percent on the first $50,000
2 percent on the amount over $50,00 up to $75,000
3 percent on the amount over $75,00 up to $100,000
4 percent on the amount over $100,000 up to $250,000
5 percent on the amount over $250,000 up to $500,000
6 percent on the amount over $500,000
which i looked this tax code up and asked my teacher and that was correct but thats the only info I received