My English is very bad but I hope you can understand me!
Furthermore: I have never programmed before and this year I started with a study where programming is essential. My teacher can'really help me because if you ask something he will make the programm for you and he can't explain what he did...
Hello readers,
For a homework assignment I have to make a program that counts digits and other charachters from the keyboard (what the user types in) and I have to make use of the function getchar until a EOF occurs.
Furthermore I have to use the variables "Digits" and "Others" to count the inputted digits and other characters.
Also I am not allowed to use strings. I can only use getchar and putchar and loops.
To make sure if it is a digit or a other character I have to use the function isdigit in the ctype header.
If the user would put in like:
The program would say: 3 digits and 3 others.....