Hey guys, I'm new here and new to coding in general. I am about a week and a half in on intensive study, and I was assigned this task;
"Write a program using vectors and iterators that allows a user to maintain a list of his or her favorite games. The program should allow the user to list all game titles, add a game title, and remove a game title."
Alrighty. Easy enough. Here is what I have so far.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm>
usingnamespace std;
int main(){
vector<string> list;
vector<string>:: iterator myIterator;
vector<string>::const_iterator iter;
cout << "\tThis is Mrs. Adam's list of movie and/or game titles.\n";
cout << "\n\nThis is a test of vectors and iterators, not of string objects.\n";
cout << "If you want to replace a title, type erase and follow the instructions.\n\n";
string title;
//Adding to the vector
do {
cout << "Add an item to the list please: ";
cin >> title;
list.insert(list.begin(), title);
while (title != "exit");
string deleted;
if (title == "remove"){
char y;
cout << "Do you want to clear all of the titles? If so, type 'y'\n";
cin >> y;
if (y = 'y'){
return 0;
cout << "What title would you like to erase? Make sure to type it exactly as you did. ";
cin >> deleted;
//// Exit Sequence
if (title == "exit")
return 0;
My problem is I can't figure out how to let the user delete titles on command. Like, if they were to type "delete this title", in my mind I would run list.find(whatever), but I realized that it would return the value in the vector that the title is in, and it also wouldn't do any good to the user because he would have to go into the code to delete it... I'm just confused, I'm very new. Any tips are incredibly appreciated.
Maybe when the user selects delete title, display the titles with numbers. Then ask for the number the user wants to delete. Then from there you can go on.