Horsepower converter

ok so i have this homework and i need some tips on how to start it up. thanks

Write a program that asks the user for either Watts or Horsepower as an input. The
program will ask the user to specify the type of conversion to perform based on the
calculations provide. Your program must not accept negative values. The program will
limit the calculation to 1 million Watts and inform the user that the power agency will
not allow higher Watt calculations without a special request form.
Your program must allow the user to make multiple calculations. Using your working
knowledge of input and output formatting, your user prompts and output must be well
blocked and formatted.
Include the pseudo code for your application. Design the program first. Your
application code will be compared to your design. Include appropriate comments and
variable descriptions, etc.
cin >> input; 
cout << input * conversion;
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