// DogDayCare.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
// Eric Vardinakis
// 9'24'2012
#include "stdafx.h"
usingnamespace std;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int mediumdog;
int LageDog = 35;
int smalldog = 10;
int shortstay;
int longstay = 11;
cout << "How much does your dog way ";
cin >> mediumdog;
if (mediumdog < smalldog)
cout << "You have a small dog."<< endl;
elseif (mediumdog > LageDog)
cout << "You have a big dog." << endl;
cout <<"You have a medium size dog."<< endl;
cout << "How long wil you dog be staying here. " << endl;
cin >> shortstay;
if (shortstay < longstay)
cout << "Thats a short stay."<< endl;
cout << "Thats a long stay."<< endl;
return 0;
I am new to C++ and programming. the code i wrote works but my college professor wants me to make dogs that are under 10ld cost $12 dogs that are between 10-35lb cost $16 and dogs that are over 35lb cost $19. if they stay1-10 days. If they stay 11 or more days she wants it to say under10lb cost $10 10-35lb cost $13 and over 35lb cost $17
This is the link to my book if you don't get what i am saying its page 119 Exercises 12 DogDayCare.cpp
please i need some one to help me this is do Tuesday at 11pm est
[code/ DogDayCare.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
// 9'24'2012
// Chapter 3
// Lab 2
#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace std;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int mediumdog;
int LageDog = 35;
int smalldog = 10;
int shortstay;
int longstay = 11;
int numberOfDays = 0;
int pricePerDay = 0;
int totalPrice = 0;
cout << "How much does your dog way ";
cin >> mediumdog;
if (mediumdog < smalldog)
cout << "You have a small dog."<< endl;
if (mediumdog > LageDog)
cout << "You have a lage dog." << endl;
cout <<"You have a medium dog."<< endl;
cout << "How long wil you dog be staying here. " << endl;
cin >> shortstay;
if (shortstay < longstay)
cout << "Thats a short stay."<< endl;
cout << "Thats a long stay."<< endl;