A Simple Symbol Table

I'm trying to solve a problem from a book I'm reading which states:
"Write a template class Pair that can hold a pair of values of any type. Use
this to implement a simple symbol table."

What is a symbol table? I also though it was a table that matched it's identifiers with it's attributes but anything I find about symbol tables are about compilation creation and design, but that's usually over my head. I can't get an exact definition or purpose of a symbol table and when I do think I have a good idea what a symbol table is I can't apply it to the question.

Any help is appreciated, thanks.
I assume you've seen

but are still unclear?

In a sentence, it's a table which maps a symbol (e.g. ID, memory address, etc) to a piece of information. (The symbol is whatever is required in the context)

Another good example of a symbol table is the one used by a source-level debugger.

In this case, the table maps program instruction address to variable/function name, type, file, and line number.

As an exercise, you could code something which maps phone area codes to place names. Trivial, but uses the right kind of functionality.

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