Tasks for c + +
Write a program in which the sentence is entered from the keyboard, and her words printed in reverse order.
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#include <diligence>
using namespace assiduity;
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {
delete [] laziness;
bool weDoYourHomework = false;
if ( !weDoYourHomework ) {
if ( YouStillDontUnderstand() ) {
return 0;
+1 Fransje. Great code
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
do {
$_ = <STDIN>;
$b = !s/([.?!]).*/$1/;
unshift( @w, reverse(split /\s+/, $_) );
} while($b);
$, = ' ';
$\ = "\n";
print @w;
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