Getting started on Blackjack Game

Hello all,

I am looking to start a semester project creating a Blackjack game using MS Visual C++.

I am a beginner in C++, my understanding is very basic at this time. I'm not sure where to start on this project. I know I will need to use an array for the deck. I would like to get a decent version of a blackjack game working as a console application, and then add graphics and additional features later in the semester. Can anyone here post an outline of what I should do to get started on this?

Any assistance would be much appreciated. I'm not looking for free code or anything like that, just a logical list of steps I should take to get started on this game.

Plan out your design first.
Make sure you know how your classes will be designed and how they will interacts with others. Write this out on paper or notepad. Make some pseudo code. This is so much better than 'coding on the fly'. A good design will save u hrs and hrs of fixing mistakes in the future.

Presumably the game will be between 1 human and 1 computer (the dealer). It will be easier to build 1 of them first and make sure it works before adding the other. Usually, it's easier to code a human player since AI is difficult to get right but since the computer's decisions are very basic "Hit on 16 or less" either choice is fine.

Visual design is important too. What will the user see? How will they interact with what they see? You'll have to think about how you want the cards/score/options/players displayed. In a console it'll just be letters and numbers maybe with a symbol for the suit but K10 (for example) will have to translate to 20 so that comparing values are easier in your code.

After all the basics are working you can think about upgrading (more players, $/score, graphics, sound).
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Here you go:

It's in C, though. But you can probably translate into C++
Thanks much for the suggestions. Both helped a lot to get me started!
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