I am trying to write a program that counts the number of vowels and consonants from user input. I also would like to count the number of words and lines from the users input. I also would like to give the user the option to quit the program but mine isn't working. This is an example of what I want the output to look like:
A: 34
E: 34
Total: 68
D: 5
F: 3
Total: 7
XXX words on YYY lines with a vowel/consonant ratio of ZZZ
I am new to c++ and I honestly have no idea what I am doing
Here is some code that I have so far but it is incorrect.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
char alphabet[] = { 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u' ,'b', 'c', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z' };
char user_input[255];
char *tokPtr;
int a, e, i, o, u;
int vowCount;
int conCount;
vowCount = 0;
conCount = 0;
cout << "Please enter text or enter quit to exit:";
// begin tokenization of sentence
tokPtr = strtok( user_input, " " );
// continue tokenizing until tokPtr becomes NULL
while( tokPtr != NULL )
tokPtr = strtok( NULL, " "); // get next token
#include<iostream> // use C++ input/output library
usingnamespace std; // use the namespace "std" functions
int main()
int n[256]={0}; // an array to hold the count of all characters entered
int consonants=0,lines=0,vowels=0,words=1; // number of consonants, vowels, words & lines
char user_input[255]; // the user input
cin.getline(user_input,255); // get the user input
cout<<endl; // leave a line
if(user_input[0]=='\0') // if the user input is nothing
words=0; // then there are no words
for(int c=0;user_input[c]!='\0';++c) // loop through the entire user input
++n[user_input[c]]; // add 1 to the array holding the count of each character
if(user_input[c]=='\n') // if the user input is a new line
++lines; // increase the number of lines
if(user_input[c]==' '&&user_input[c+1]!='\0') // if the character is a space & the next character is not null
++words; // then increase the number of words
vowels=n['A']+n['a']+n['E']+n['e']+n['I']+n['i']+n['O']+n['o']+n['U']+n['u']; // add up the number of vowels
cout<<"Vowels:"<<endl; // output the vowels
cout<<"A: "<<n['A']+n['a']<<endl;
cout<<"E: "<<n['E']+n['e']<<endl;
cout<<"I: "<<n['I']+n['i']<<endl;
cout<<"O: "<<n['O']+n['o']<<endl;
cout<<"U: "<<n['U']+n['u']<<endl;
cout<<"Total: "<<vowels<<endl<<endl;
// add up the number of consonants
cout<<"Consonants:"<<endl; // output the consonants
cout<<"B : "<<n['B']+n['b']<<endl;
cout<<"C : "<<n['C']+n['c']<<endl;
cout<<"D : "<<n['D']+n['d']<<endl;
cout<<"F : "<<n['F']+n['f']<<endl;
cout<<"G : "<<n['G']+n['g']<<endl;
cout<<"H : "<<n['H']+n['h']<<endl;
cout<<"J : "<<n['J']+n['j']<<endl;
cout<<"K : "<<n['K']+n['k']<<endl;
cout<<"L : "<<n['L']+n['l']<<endl;
cout<<"M : "<<n['M']+n['m']<<endl;
cout<<"N : "<<n['N']+n['n']<<endl;
cout<<"P : "<<n['P']+n['p']<<endl;
cout<<"Q : "<<n['Q']+n['q']<<endl;
cout<<"R : "<<n['R']+n['r']<<endl;
cout<<"S : "<<n['S']+n['s']<<endl;
cout<<"T : "<<n['T']+n['t']<<endl;
cout<<"V : "<<n['V']+n['v']<<endl;
cout<<"W : "<<n['W']+n['w']<<endl;
cout<<"X : "<<n['X']+n['x']<<endl;
cout<<"Y : "<<n['Y']+n['y']<<endl;
cout<<"Z : "<<n['Z']+n['z']<<endl;
cout<<"Total: "<<consonants<<endl<<endl;
cout<<"Summary:"<<endl; // running total
cout<<words<<" words on "<<lines<<" lines with a vowel consonant ratio of "<<vowels<<":"<<consonants<<" ("<<(float)vowels/consonants<<")"<<endl;
cin.get(); // wait for user to press enter (so they see output)
return 0; // exit program