2 decimals instead of scientific

My output keeps printing in scientific notation when I only want 2 decimals. Im using a file of 3 lines, each line is - last name, first name, salary, and increase rate; the output should be - first name, last name, new salary. How do I get it to output correctly?

#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main()
ifstream inFile;
ofstream outFile;

double salary;
double increase;
double newWage;

string firstName;
string lastName;


outFile << fixed << showpoint;
outFile << setprecision(2);

inFile >> lastName >> firstName;
outFile << firstName << lastName << endl;

newWage = salary *( increase / 100) + salary;

inFile >> salary >> increase;
outFile << salary << increase << endl;

cout << firstName << " " << lastName << " $" << newWage << endl;



return 0;

Do you mean for cout ? You didn't use setprecision(2) for cout, you only did for outFile (2 different output streams)
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