SDL_gfx missing .dll


I am trying to use the SDL_gfx package
and everything compiles and works
until I try to use one of the gfx functions when
I get a run time error
"The program can't start because MSVCR71.dll is missing
from your computer".
Does anybody have any idea what I have done wrong?
I guess that MSVCR is an acronym for Microsoft Visual C(++) Runtime and that 71 indicates version 7.1, which would be Microsoft Visual C++ 2003 re-distributable, which isn't available as a stand-alone download any more. However, it is included as part of the .Net framework version 1.1 which you can download here:

First, though, I'd make sure you have the most recent version of SDL_gfx, because it shouldn't be using a DLL that's almost ten years old, and the .Net framework is on version 4.5 by now. It's best not to install loads of old software unless you really have to.
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