
What does the statement imply
UInt* g_auiFrameScanXY[ MAX_CU_DEPTH ];
Means a pointer to type Uint called g_auiFrameScanXY and the one in the offset operators represent the value MAX_CU_DEPTH has or is set to
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To Aceix
If MAX_CU_DEPTH=5, what does this mean? does it mean g_auiFrameScanXY is a pointer to an array of size 5?
does it mean g_auiFrameScanXY is a pointer to an array of size 5?

No. It means g_auiFrameScanXY is an array of size 5.
To Athar
Then what is the name of the pointer
It's an array of pointers. You can access them with g_auiFrameScanXY[0] to g_auiFrameScanXY[4].
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