This is a homework assignment for my CS class. The program basically reads lines of data from a file and calculates averages. I am attempting to go a little bit further and write the program so that if the user enters an incorrect path/input file name, the program will prompt them to reenter the path/name or press q to quit, but for some reason when I reenter the correct file name, it skips over the while loop immediately following which is an echo of the file data. Everything else is working great, later on in the program it calculates the averages and completes just fine. Here is a snippet:
//Open input file;
//Check to make sure input file is valid
if (! inputFile.is_open())
cout << "The inputfile path or name is invalid. " << endl;
cout << "Reenter file location\\name or press q to quit. ";
getline(cin, reply);
if (reply.substr(0, 1) == "q" || reply.substr(0, 1) == "Q")
return 0;
inputFileName = reply;;
//Rewind file
inputFile.clear(); //clear end of file flag
inputFile.seekg(0); //go back to beginning of file