C++ Without Fear Exercise "Reverse program to print nodes in reverse alphabetical order"
As you can see in the title, there is an exercise that wants me to make this example:
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// Alpha_List.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class node {
string name;
node *next;
node(string input) {name = input; next = NULL;};
int _tmain() {
node *root = NULL;
node *p_node, *new_node;
string a_name;
while (true) {
cout << "Enter a name ( or ENTER to exit): ";
getline(cin, a_name);
if (a_name.empty())
new_node = new node(a_name);
// If list is new or node goes at beginning,
// then insert as root node. Otherwise,
// search for a node to insert node AFTER.
if (root == NULL || a_name < root->name) {
new_node->next = root;
root = new_node;
else {
p_node = root;
while (p_node->next && a_name > p_node->next->name) {
p_node = p_node->next;
new_node->next = p_node->next;
p_node->next = new_node;
p_node = root; // Print out all nodes
while (p_node) {
cout << p_node->name << endl;
p_node = p_node->next;
return 0;
that writes your input in alphabetical order, the other way around (reverse alphabetical order)
It says that a simple recursion can be used to write it backwards. But I can't think of any "simple" recursion to write it.
Thank you in advance.
You mean this:
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p_node = root; // Print out all nodes
while (p_node) {
cout << p_node->name << endl;
p_node = p_node->next;
Yes it's really easy:
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void print_reverse(const node *p_node)
cout << p_node->name << endl;
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