Trying to get Allegro to work with Code::Blocks

I'm trying to install 4.4 for use with the Code::Blocks IDE. Here's what I did:

1) Downloaded allegro-4.4.2-mingw-4.5.2.
2) Extracted to get three folders: bin, include, lib.
3) Copied all contents from these Allegro folders to the same-titled folders in MinGW (eg. bin contents to C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\MinGW\bin).
4) Made a new Win32 GUI project with some test code.
5) Went to Project -> Build Options... -> Linker settings -> Other linker options: -lalleg -> OK.
6) F8 build the program, error message: ld.exe cannot find -lalleg

I did this following a tutorial but I'm guessing the problem lies with linking the files. Just to note, I also copied my .dll files into System32.

Any help getting this up and running?
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