So i know what the folders directory is, but its name will be different on each computer. I just need to get the folder name and put it into a string. Its size will be the same also (give or take 1 character possibly).
What do you mean by "folders directory"? "folder" is another name for "directory", in Windows-speak, so you know what the folder's folder is (or the directory's directory).
Is it an app specific folder you're talking about, which the user has selected. If so, you need to store the info somewhere.
GetCurrentDirectory() -- the Win32 equivalent to getcwd() -- returns the current working folder. This only the same as the exe path if you start the application from the folder where the exe is found (or if the exe uses SetCurrentDirectory() to set the working folder)
cd c:\temp
=> exe folder path is c:\windows\system32
=> working folder = c:\temp