Visual Studio

Why can not any other computer open my program I make in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, somebody told me to compile it with devc++ and everything will be fine.
Why is that so?
Do we have ENTER key (the one above right shift) in ASCII?
You need the "Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package"

I tried that on another computer using that Redistributable Package. And it didn't work. the same message came up. I am using MVS2008 also.
closed account (z05DSL3A)
What message do you get? I could spend all day guessing at your problem.
You can not open the solution file with Dev-CPP. Just open the .cpp file
The error message reads:

"This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem."

Thanks for your help.
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Oh, one of Microsoft's "Helpful" error messages.

You may have to give more information such as details about the development machine, and the machine you are trying to run the software on. Could it be 64bit/32bit issue? Developed on Vista run on XP?
That definitely looks like a missing DLL to me. Either the runtime is missing or some other DLL the exe depends on.
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Try using Dependency Walker[1] (depends.exe) to find out what DLLs may be missing (or the wrong version).

[1] C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio XXX\COMMON\Tools
(it may be elsewhere on your system, if not : )
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I have solved my issue. It was adding the "VCredist_x86" onto the co-worker's computer that didn't have any compilers. Thanks for all of you suggestions.
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