C++ is an excellent language for game programming. What do you know? If you want to make a game, you must know these things: Inheritence and Polymorphism, Rule of Three, Function pointers and Callback functions, The Standard Template Libraries and how to use them properly, Cache |
http://programmedlessons.org/VectorLessons/index.html This is a 3D vector math tutorial but you could use the knowledge just as much in 2D games. I think this is a great tutorial. It gives more understanding of a coordinate system and works good as a introduction to game physics. You will need to know vectors (in most cases) for making a nice looking game. Then i would suggest using SDL library which later can be used with OpenGL. Thecplusplusguy on youtube was my reference book for the graphics. He is keeping everything on a low level and is not doing unecessary advanced stuff when its not needed and hes doing some errors and bad code and he often shows how he find the errors and the bad code and how he fix them, what i mean is: He is not doing perfect all the time like other tutorials, and you learn more by seeing some common errors i think. |