What level am I at?

At the end I posted my latest stuff. I have studied the basics, classes, arrays, some recursion, some cinder(graphical library), encryption, random number generation, and some other beginner stuff like that.


Can someone tell my if that encryptor is good. Try entering in the same message but a different password every time.
The game is fun, it is like a text based super smash bros in a way.

Anyway can someone recommend me a tutorial for some more advanced stuff in C++
Hey !
I'll start by mentioning that I'm not a really advanced programmer , however after I covered the basics I was in your shoes, however , I moved further by thinking of an application/game/etc. , whatever you want to do , and learn everything I need to make it and make it good :)
You could read as many articles as you can first so you will know how to make a good code from the beginning.
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