A few questions, especially about bitwise operators.

Ok, now I see the "&" operator in front of an object quite often, just one object. It was my understanding that the bitwise AND was used with two? And why is the bitwise OR used for this? (below)


And most importantly, how does one merge a string contained in a variable, a c string, into another c string? In python I would do ("Herp " + the_variable_for_the_word_the + " derp") all the time. No issues, but I get type errors (or a C++ equivalent) when I do it in C++.

In that case, you aren't taking about & as a bitwise and. There, it is being used as the address-of operator.

You can use std::strings, which overload the + operator for concatenation. If you want to use C-style strings/char arrays, you need to use strcat().
Yes, thank you, I now understand the strcat bit, and it works well enough. Any ideas on the bitwise OR situation? Or does that have another secret meaning too, lol...
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