Best way to learn C++ Programming

Hello, I am thirteen years but began programming when I was eight. As of today and I am a professional LUA Programming and know a very small amount of C# but would rather begin to learn C++. Programming languages seem to update on a monthly bases so buying a book would seem outdated. LUA is pretty much a simplified version of c++ so learning will be a bit easier and quicker with me.

What do you recommend?

This Bucky guy has the basics down, he's a good teacher to beginners.
Come back to the Cplusplus forums for reference.

If you're interested in windows programming, go to the msdn website for reference.

There are also plenty of books with examples. Google is your friend.
C++ doesn't even update on a yearly basis so any book written in the last 10 years is fine for learning the language.

The only things that change with C++ is the library support and even that is extremely slow compared to Java and C#.

Good luck. I wish I started coding that early. I didn't stumble upon Computer Science until after I wasted time exploring Biology and Nursing in College. I guess you could say I saved the best for last. : )
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