
Hi I am amateur in c++ builder and i have questions.

-how work abort()

this is function that communicate with winapi?

-how work function locale()

this is function that also communicate with winapi?

-how work function terminate()

what calls this function? Windows runtime library?

-typedef void (*terminate_handler)();

by default is in these variable address abort() or NULL?

very much thx
Sorry for my englisch, im from Czech Republic...

closed account (zb0S216C)
Damian666 wrote:
"-how work abort() "

Damian666 wrote:
"-how work function locale()"

Damian666 wrote:
"-how work function terminate()"

None of the three are directly associated with the OS's API; if they were, they'd be defined inside <windows.h>

Damian666 wrote:
"-typedef void (*terminate_handler)();

by default is in these variable address abort() or NULL?"

Not too sure what you're saying here.


how it communicates with the OS? eg locale();?
Implementation defined.
by default is in these variable address abort() or NULL?

According to the C++ standard terminate_handler has the following
Default behavior: The implementation’s default terminate_handler calls abort().

thank you
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