
please help me on my system. what is the syntax of delete using a structure?
If you mean delete data from a file, you can't. You have to copy all the data and make a new file that doesn't have the data you don't want.

You can use a struct if you like.
what i mean is for example, my program is like a phone book. the program prompt the user to enter information about the contact info of the user. on the switch case, the program will prompt the user to add contact information and there is also an option to delete the entered info. please help me put the syntax of delete using structure
Start by defining the struct of contact info.
do you have an example of it? :(
Do you know what a struct is?
closed account (o3hC5Di1)
Hi there,

I answered your question in , please don't create multiple posts for one and the same problem.

All the best,
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