C++ hacking games and shit

Pages: 12
closed account (3bfGNwbp)
is there a tutorial to hack games? i want to hack this game called "Leuge of Legends" and it's not so easy. lol. How would I go about doing this? I know i can do it, because I know C++.
I know i can do it, because I know C++.

If you can do it, why do you need a tutorial?

is there a tutorial to hack games?

I don't know how to hack a game, but I know how to mod games, and how to hack servers, but not hack games.

I think you might want to learn a little more about C++ and what it can do. I haven't seen any of your code lately, but you seem to know basic C++. I wouldn't qualify that as being able to "hack games." Increase your knowledge in the language and you'll lose interest in games before you realize it. If the game still seems important to you, then just keep playing the game and get better at it.

Note: You'll find very few people here who will point you in the right direction with anything that refers to hacking/modifying anyone else's hard work. One day you might understand what it means to make a game and you'll understand why so many people are against it.
I doubt there would be a tutorial, as anyone who could hack/create hacks wouldn't want to share it; they'd want to have a monopoly.
closed account (3bfGNwbp)
Sorry, I don't think I really went into detail with my original post.

Are there any tutorials on bitwise operators? I don't understand how manipulating the binary would do anything. I mean, it sound rather dangerous to do. I've found a few tutorials, but they don't explain it well. I need a tutorial that dumbs it down so I understand it. And nothing from learncpp.com, they didn't explain it well.
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I mean, it sound rather dangerous to do.

closed account (3bfGNwbp)
You agree? Binary doesn't sound like something I want to mess with. Just like pointers sounded bad because I could changed random data on my stack. Like this one time I played with pointers and moved the pointer to a random memory address then it changed the value of something. I panicked but it didn't do anything bad, so I was like "YESSS!" *boss*.
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Unless you have the source code for the game and that source happens to be C++, then yes, knowing C++ could help you out in hacking or cracking or whatever proper term/action you would like to perform.

But since the premises don't hold, what you really have is a compiled series of executables and DLL's. C++ will accomplish nothing here. What you need to know is Assembly because that's what you have there: A compiled unit.

So learn Assembly and forget C++ if this is what you want to learn.
closed account (3bfGNwbp)
What? No? I want to learn bitwise operators in C++.
Well its not the game you wanted but the source code for Doom 3 has been released to the public, you could try modding that game. You need Doom 3 on PC to be able to use the code of course.
Alright. Evidently someone told you (correctly) that in order to "hack" a game, you need to "modify its binary". This has nothing to do with what bitwise operators do. A binary is, in computer-speak, a compiled program that is directly executable by a computer. "Directly executable" meaning that no additional layer, such as an interpreter, a virtual machine, or a JIT compiler, is needed to run the program.
closed account (3bfGNwbp)
What? No, I changed the subject from my initial post to finding a tutorial on bitwise operators. Like I said, forget the game hacking until I get into the WinAPI or POSIX.
closed account (3bfGNwbp)
I don't like videos like that, they don't seem to know much.
closed account (3bfGNwbp)
What about a Google talk on it? that would be fuckin cool
Your thread makes no sense. and it doesnt seem like you know what you are doing or what it is that you want.

also you do sound cocky .
Looks awfully trollish to me....
TheBestHacker wrote:
is there a tutorial to hack games?

Lena's reverse engineering tutorials [1] could be of help. I, for one, found them very useful some time ago. There was this old 8-bit rpg I really wanted to play, but the only thing I could find online was a short demo version. Luckily, all I had to do was change a couple of JNE instructions to JMP (i.e. make some conditional jumps unconditional) to get the full game.

TheBestHacker wrote:
i want to hack this game called "Leuge of Legends"

Good luck with that. You'll need it.

[1] http://tuts4you.com/download.php?list.17
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Just like pointers sounded bad because I could changed random data on my stack. Like this one time I played with pointers and moved the pointer to a random memory address then it changed the value of something. I panicked but it didn't do anything bad, so I was like "YESSS!" *boss*.

No need to panick, the memory locations which contents you presumably changed, with your knowledge of C++, are safe locations. Other locations are restricted.
the usual teenager who likes to hack attempt to hack in order to bring himself into a false reality at a game he most likely lacks the skill to play successfully and ruins other gamers experience. You are the scum of the earth, barley surpassing the capacitance and intelligence of a rock.
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Pages: 12