Simple bot


I need to make basic and simple bot to do work for me..
I am actually have no time to set on computer and do it nowadays.

The bot is basically will register courses for me, for the uni
but the problem is, sections are full so I need to try add these courses from time to time.

That's what I need from the bot,
- Entering the website of the uni (to the registration page)
- Entering my ID and password to log in.
- Automatically writes the course name in the Enter Course field.
- Automatically writes the number of section in the Enter Section field.
- Then it's automatically clicks "Add"
- If the section is full, small window will pop-up, I want the bot to click "OK" and after few minutes trying again by clicking "Add".

So, anybody please tell me some info about this, like which libraries I need and such info!

Thank you in advance
The time it would take to create a bot would take you longer than doing this by hand...
... unless you want to register for every class going for lots of students.
Still sounds like a macro would be better in my opinion. Maybe even a script. But unless this is a teacher or another faculty member, there is no need for a bot. And if this is a teacher or faculty member, there is easier ways to do this. I doubt this would be the only person who would have an issue with it, and I'm sure the dean's desk, or who ever the highest person is, has received plenty of emails about the issue at hand. Unless I'm missing something, I still don't see that a bot is applicable in this situation.
closed account (o3hC5Di1)
Hi there,

You may want to look into alternatives to c++ for this - under the motto "right tools for the job".
Not that c++ can't do this - but there are languages out there such as perl or python with extensive HTTP and HTML/DOM libraries, allowing you to code this a lot easier.

Just my 2 cents :)

All the best,
With libcurl and some knowledge about how HTML works you can write this easily in C++. You have examples on libcurl website:
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