how add recent date

i'm creating a program which ask date of breath and tell is age in days,mins,Sec, etc.
but how to subtract date.
Enter ur Date of breath(8/5/1999)
so on
but how to recent date automatically add.
e.g user enter his age program subtract his age from recent date
Do u mean date of birth ?

Duno what this means....sry..
but how to recent date automatically add.

Also don't know what u mean by 'recent date' some code or more info ?
closed account (o3hC5Di1)
Hi there,

I believe what Mr. Zu007 is trying to ask is that he wants to writ a program which take a date of birth as input and which then outputs his age in days, hours and minutes.

"recent date" is presumable the current moment, i.e. time()

Unfortunately I have no experience in this, but i googled up some more information for you until one of the experts can shed their light on this.

If you use Visual c++:

Hope that helps.

All the best,
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