Run the executable by double clicking on it, not from inside IDE, the working directories are usually different. Or use GetModuleFileName() to get full path to .exe (I see you are using windows).
Still no .txt file.
Tryied running the .exe file by double clicking.
Running as Admin.
Compiling as Release and then doing to same..
Everything works but there are no .txt files created.
Also, std::cout << chapter << std::endl; does not print out the 0 I put into the file earlier. Also, it seems that it never even reaches the std::cin.get(); because it never asks for any Input.
The code after "if(!openProfile.is_open())" that references openProfile will only be valid if the file existed/was opened ok. Perhaps create a function to verify the file before you try to process it?
wouldn't "ifstream openProfile" open the file if its available?
Since it wont be available on the first call, the If would return a true ( because of the ! )
and then ofstream would create a Player1.txt.
On the second call of the function ifstream would open the file because it was generated.
Or do I understand this completely wrong?
In the Visual Studio Directory
C:\Users\[UserName]\Documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\[SolutionName]\Debug
I don't remember where VS saves these things, but I remember having an issue like this before, and it was just in a spot that I found weird.
Have you tried giving it an absolute path?
On a side note, could just make a std::fstream object with ios::in and ios::out flags set, instead of creating two streams on the same object. That can lead to problems.
I didn't even knew of those options.
I'm just like a week into C++ and just finished the I/O File tutorial.
So to challenge myself I wanted to write a program that creates save files.
The Tutorial only contained addition stuff like ios::trunc, ios::app and ios::ate...
Absolute path is just the actual path in your computer, usually started from the C drive if you're on windows. So something like C://documents//myfolder//test.txt
^^ If your on windows, you don't need the double slash: C:/documents/myfolder/test.txt.
Here is an example open: std::ifstream input("test.txt");
When you run the .exe, this has your program looking in whatever folder the exe is in.
If you're running via VS "compile and run" (F5), then the program is looking in the:
VS\Projects\MyProject\MyProject folder. This is the same folder that files go when you use the "add new item" command (You know, to add "main.cpp" to your program).
wrote in the full path to the executable.. still no .txt showing up...
I seriously don't understand it..
There is no error in the Compiler but still no Text file is being generated...
Is it possible that the Computer deletes the .txt File when the Function is over?
But that would make no sense, right?
if (selectedProfile == 0)
std::ifstream openProfile ("Player1.txt"); // fine if file exists
if ( !openProfile.is_open()) // file doesn't exist
std::ofstream profile ("Player1.txt"); // create file
profile << "0"; // put zero in file
profile.close(); // close file
openProfile >> chapter; // this call will work if file already exists. openProfile would need to be re-opened if created above for this call to be valid
std::cout << chapter << std::endl;
char chapter[1],answer;
if (selectedProfile == 0)
std::ifstream openProfile ("layer1.txt"); // changed it to a file that never exists.
if ( !openProfile.is_open()) // should return true and enter If statement
std::cout << " No Profile stored in this Slot " << std::endl << " Create a Profile? " << std::endl;
// this is never printed on the screen so he never reaches this point.
answer = std::cin.get();
if (answer == 'y' || answer == 'Y')
std::ofstream profile ("Player1.txt");
profile << "0";
elseif (answer == 'n' || answer == 'N')
openProfile >> chapter;
std::cout << chapter << std::endl;
Yes your Code does create a text.txt file.
But I now don't know ( as stated above) why he never enters the If-statement and actualy creates the file.
Okey I fixed it now
Theres been a problem in the previous code which progressed over to this one.
But still I at least learned quite a bit from this thread.
Thanks to you guys for all of your effort!
Now I get
Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'chapter' was corrupted.