Data Visualization - Graphics for C++? How?

Dear all,
By now I guess I am a beginner quite competent in writing C++ console application, which can string, int, char, double type data output onto a console screen or onto a txt file for further processing.
However, I now want to ask, is there anyway to have C++ programs somehow output graphics, such as those interactive chart of stock prices on yahoo finance? Is such thing do-able with C++? (I think so actually... I supposed Windows are written in C++ too?) And are there any introductory books on this topic?
My main target for the short term is to reproduce an interactive graph of stock price like those on yahoo finance, but as a self-taught outsider to computer programming I am totally clueless what's my next step...
Thanks for any recommendation or advice in advance.
Put it this way, this is definitely a topic out of the book "C++ for dummies" hence as a self-taught outsider to computer science I am now clueless :-)
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