is easy?

is easy to make an aimbot for this game?
i know c++ but i am not master
I'm going to say no. If you don't know an OS's API, it's going to be quite difficult. Even some of the better programmers here will tell you that this isn't a simple feat until you have plenty of experience under your belt.
I program about 2,5 months but learn fast,so?
I've been programming on and off for the last 8 years, so, I doubt you'll be able to do it unless you learn only specifically what you want to know. I've learned so much in just the last few months because of everyone on here challenging me. I am still no where close to designing APIs that can do that. There are other languages that are better suited for something like that, and other toolkits, but you'll find out that it's not simple, regardless of what you choose.
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