Simple Calculator Program

I have been learning C++ for a couple of days and have recently attempted to create a simple calculator program. All seamed to be working fine however I found that after the first calculation, the first digit on any sum would disappear (If it was a two digit number, if not it would not work at all.). Any help or information on why this is happening would be greatly appreciated.


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
float x, z;
string y;
int i;

cout << "Please enter a number, a symbol and then another number (seperated by spaces)\ne.g. 3 * 6\n";
while (true)
float x=0, z=0;
string y="";

cin >> x >> y >> z;

if (y == "*"){
cout << x << "*" << z << "=" << x*z << "\n";
else if (y == "/"){
cout << x << "/" << z << "=" << x/z << "\n";
else if (y == "+"){
cout << x << "+" << z << "=" << x+z << "\n";
else if (y == "-"){
cout << x << "-" << z << "=" << x-z << "\n";

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closed account (o3hC5Di1)
Hi there,

First off, for reading convenience it's desirable to put [code ] [ /code] tags around your code and use some indentation.

As for your problem, why are you using cin.ignore() here?
If you would use it, it requires some arguments i believe.


Also, as a small matter of style, the mathematical operator is only one character, so you could use datatype char for it.
It saves you from using an extra library (string) and i believe it would take up less memory as well, which on this small scale is of course not as much of an issue.

Hope that helps,

All the best,
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It works after taking care of these things

1)Why multiple declaration of x,y,z?Just use it inside or outside loop.

2)why string y?
Use char y

3)How are you going to end the loop?

4) what is use of i?
Its waste

5)if you enter for example 4 * 5

then pattern
like this will continue after each enter key pressed,2 times if other key is pressed and "entered"

6)cin.ignore() ignores 1 input in input stream
using it two times.......
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