not reading input

The problem I am getting is the date comes out as 0/0/0 I have poured over this and dont know what im doing wrong


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int year;
int month;
int day;
int CYear;
int CMonth;
int CDay;

class Date
void setCYear( int year )
year = CYear;

int getCyear( int year)
return CYear;

void setCMonth( int month )
month = CMonth;

int getCmonth( int month)
return CMonth;

void setCDay( int day )
day = CDay;

int getCDay( int day)
return CDay;



#include <iostream>
#include "date.h"

using namespace std;

int main()
Date MyDate;

cout << "Please enter two digit month: ";
cin >> month;
MyDate.setCMonth( month );

cout << "Please enter two digit day: ";
cin >> day;
MyDate.setCDay( day );

cout << "Please enter four digit year: ";
cin >> year;
MyDate.setCYear( year );

cout << "Current date is:\n" << MyDate.getCmonth( month ) << "/" << MyDate.getCDay( day ) << "/" << MyDate.getCyear( year );


return 0;

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Are you absolutely required to use classes for this assignment?
I revised my code as below and it seems to be working now?


void setCYear( int year )
CYear = year;

int getCYear()
return CYear;

void setCMonth( int month)
CMonth = month;

int getCMonth()
return CMonth;

void setCDay( int day )
CDay = day;

int getCDay()
return CDay;


Source File

cout << "Current date is:\n" << MyDate.getCMonth() << "/" << MyDate.getCDay() << "/" << MyDate.getCYear() << endl;
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