Question about std::map


This is my first post on the C++ forums. I'm fairly new to C++ (started coding in the language about a month ago). I'm coming from a significant amount of AS3 and most standard web languages as well as some C#. Still trying to get the grasp of the logic behind the language and have come across this inquiry:

Using this code (referenced from a game programming tutorial):

std::map<std::string, CEntityManager*>::iterator it = _mEntity.find(name);

I'm confused not by what it is doing but the rather wordy length to accomplish a map iteration.

I have a member variable "_mEntity", is it not possible to do this (and I realize this might seem obscure): _mEntity::iterator it;

My logic is that since "_mEntity" is a map, why/how does referencing std::map iterator recognize what map to iterate through?

Another example (taken off this webpage):

map<char,int> mymap;
map<char,int>::iterator it;

Again, how does this setup know to iterate through "mymap". Sorry if this seems rudimentary , but I would appreciate a better understanding of this.

Thanks in advance!
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The standard library iterators have a state in which they save the information about the container they are iterating through. So when you call _mEntity.find(name) the iterator object which is returned knows on which container to operate (namely, _mEntity).

In your second example, the iterator it doesn't know that it will be iterating over mymap yet - no connection between those two is established before you call something like mymap.find() or mymap.begin() or any other function returning an iterator. So basically you can do something like this:

map<char,int> mymap1;
map<char,int> mymap2;

map<char,int>::iterator it;

it = mymap1.begin(); // it works on mymap1

it = mymap.find('a'); // now, it works on mymap2 

Hope this clears up a bit on what is going on inside the iterators (of course, as usual, for even deeper understanding - try Googling :) Perhaps this is a good introduction ).

As for lengthy declarations of iterator variables - it has been greatly simplified in C++11 standard with introduction of the auto keyword, which deduces the type of variable from its initialization:

auto it = _mEntity.find(name); // Same as your first example 

If you have more questions - don't hesitate to ask. Cheers.
Thank you for the detailed (and very timely) response!

I did google a bit before I posted to see if I could get a better understanding, I've bookmarked that site link you posted as I don't believe my searches were very well organized, and that site in particular looks promising.

That cleared everything up for me, makes perfect sense. auto looks very useful.

Thanks again!
You're welcome :)
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