a little help.

I want to suggest to me what is better to follow?(hacker(black,white,gray),gamer development,web development,programmer in general,something else.)

so:i like maths,physic,chemie,i like to have intelligence and creativity,i like the knowledge of pc,i dont want to need a certificate from university to do this,(also a little money,not many).

So what believe is suitable for me?
Too early to specialise. Finish learning to program first, and by that point you'll have an idea of where your interests lie.
I know how to program.
Now can suggest me somethign which not need certificate/?
I know how to program.

Well then you already know which one you want to do.
I am confused,WHAT suggest you to me?
I suggest you do whatever kind of programming interests you the most. It's the one you'll be best at.
Moschops is right, do what you enjoy, if you don't know yet do a bit of everything until you do
Your questions are like asking "what should I pick for my favorite color?"

Stop worrying so much about what a bunch of random, anonymous boobs on an internet forum think. (No offense fellow boobs!) We just don't know you well enough to provide valid answers for such personal questions.

Besides, you're pretty young aren't you? You have plenty of time ahead of you to try many paths. Don't limit yourself, it's a BIG world out there!
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