Load Player Stats

closed account (3bfGNwbp)
How would you do this if most of the stats were integers?

closed account (zb0S216C)
A file?

closed account (3bfGNwbp)
No, how would you read the file.
Something like this would work, I think
closed account (3bfGNwbp)
Yes, I'm familiar with file I/O.

I'm wondering how you would get integers from a file without reading it as a string.
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Reading them as integers...
closed account (3bfGNwbp)
The formatted input operator ( >> ) can read into integers as well as strings.
closed account (3bfGNwbp)
It gives me a crazy value when I do that.
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closed account (3bfGNwbp)
The code or a picture of the error?
Check your PMs.
It's not difficult. First, you need to build a document flow. Second, you can use directly operators "> >" "< <" for input and output. Finally, you can put the data used in the program.
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