Wow. Actually, it is wrong. You get some warnings, but this works (reason, strings are the same as char str[] and everything ultimately equates to integral data):
You aren't doing a switch on a string, you're doing a switch on a character.
And my warnings come from the way you're initializing your variables.
It is a character in a string, but it shows you can in fact use strings with switchs, which you said you couldn't. Yes, I know what the warnings were, but I wasn't worried about that as I knew it would still function like I intended it to.
If a character is a byte and a string is a sequence of characters, then you can not use a string in a switch. If you want to call a character a string, then by all means, use a string in a switch.
Sorry I foolishly thought that since you were pulling the character out of the string that it was still using a string in switch statements. You are right, you can't use string in switch, but you can use strings and use a character from the string in switch (or c-string for that matter) for say File menus in a menu system (F)ile (O)pen, etc. Again sorry, I made the wrong assumption.