help sort

Hi Need a little help!! This is the usual manage the hotel program.
What I need to do:
REPORT 1 lists all the occupied rooms and which customer is in each room.
REPORT 2 lists all the empty rooms.
REPORT 3 lists all customers who are checked in and what room they are in.
REPORT 4 lists all customers whoa are not checked in.
REPORT 3 and 4 should be sorted by name.
REPORT 1 and 2 should be sorted by floor and by room.
I need help with the sorting part.Please give an example!!!

//Occupied rooms + customerID report
string Hotel::REPORT1()
Room * ptrRoom = getPtrToRoomByID(roomID);
Customer * ptrCust = getPtrToCustByID(customerID);

return "Room is occupied\n";
return "Customer is in the room\n";
return "Customer is Checked In\n";

//Empty room report
string Hotel::REPORT2()
Room * ptrRoom = getPtrToRoomByID(roomID);
if(ptrCust == NULL)
return "This room is vacant\n";

//Checked in + roomID report
string Hotel::REPORT3()
Room * ptrRoom = getPtrToRoomByID(roomID);
Customer * ptrCust = getPtrToCustByID(customerID);
return "Room already occupied\n";
return "Customer is in a room\n";
return "Customer is Checked In\n";

//Reserved + Not checked in report
string Hotel::REPORT4()
Room * ptrRoom = getPtrToRoomByID(roomID);
Customer * ptrCust = getPtrToCustByID(customerID);
if(ptrCust == NULL)
return "Customer is not Checked In\n";

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