How to get Visual C++ 2010 Express to work with DXSDK (jun2010)

I have searched for a step by step guide for how to get visual C++ to work with dxsdk (June 2010) and there is not one. There are guides that attempt to show what to do but they do not show how to do it step by step... it is like they presume that you know what to do in the first place! If I knew what to do in the first place then I would not be trying to find out how to do it.

I have installed both Visual C++ 2010 express and DXSDK (June 2010) in the default directories...

Can someone please tell me precisely what I am supposed to click and what I am supposed to type in. Remember that I have already stated that I have not changed any of the directories and both programs have been installed in their default locations. Can someone tell me EXACTLY what I have to type into the specific location that I am supposed to set up to create a link between the 2 programs?

It may speed things up if I state that I am aware of how to get into the:

my-project-name Properties... --->
Configuration Properties --->
VC++ Directories

All I need to know know is EXACTLY what it is that I am suppossed to type into the relevant parts.
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OK, I don't know if this is going to help with someone coming up with a solution to this problem but...

I have made a copy of the d3dx10.lib file from the sdk installation lib folder and pasted that directly into the VC/Lib folder of visual studio installation. The program I was trying to run is now working but this is surely not what I was supposed to do.

The error that was coming up was that d3dx10.lib could not be "Opened". Does this mean that visual studio and DXSDK were not linked to each other?

I had tried various different entries in the Property Pages dialog box (in both VC++ Directories and linker-->Input) but the program still refused to run. It is probably a bit of a mess now with incorrect entries in there but i dont suppose they will hurt anything.

I suppose I am being a bit impatient but I was hoping that someone would be able to point me in the right direction or something. I am feeling very lost and alone here :(
I believe there is a preprocessor directive to include libraries in MSVS. I can't remember exactly the name of it, but it should have either the absolute path to the library, or the relative path. Maybe googling Microsoft Visual Studio link library will give you what you wanted.
Well, this is the closest thing I can find that shows how to do what I wanted. The program I was trying to compile still didn't run even though now the settings have been done!

I was using by the way. I didn't expect the the slap in the face at lesson 3 though, "...oh, by the way, give me $35 before we go any further please, thanks!"

The tutorials in the sdk are compiling now so I suppose I should be happy with that. The thing is though, I don't know if they were not working before so I don't know if that is a good thing or not.

Thank you Volatile for your input. At least one person responded. I was beginning to think that I was just talking to myself here.
This was what I was actually referring to:
Code: #pragma comment( lib, "C:\\path\\to\\your\\lib\\d3dx10" )

I believe that should work for you. You can google more information about it.

I do believe you have already done that the long way though, so if that didn't fix it, I'm not 100% sure what the issue is.

Have you copy/pasted an example that is supposed to work?
Did it compile?
Did it work as intended?
What is the issue that you're currently having?
There is a chance that it will never work with Express. If you are a student, your school might be able to give you Professional, talk to a teacher you're friends with.

Your Microsoft DirectX SDK folder should have a Sample folder. Inside that is a folder Direct3D with a bunch of folders in it. Inside each one is a "_2010.sln". You should be able to open these files with VS and compile and run no problem.

Then try to copy/paste the solutions (and needed code/resource files) into the folder that stores the solutions you make, and see if you can get them to compile. Start with the solutions in the "Tutorial" Folder.

Some projects require DXUT, which makes the set up a little more complicated. For these, the c++ branch in your solutions Properties has an additional include directory (../DXUT or something like that). You will notice a "DXUT" folder in the "Samples" folder, so the easiest thing to do is copy/paste that entire folder to your "Projects" folder (Or maybe one folder up/down).

Once you get a pre-made solution running from your MyDocs, then try to make your own solution and set it up right.

Also note that the "Direct3D" folder has an "Empty Project" solution that is already set up. I think it uses DXUT.
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