Please create the application on the fly:
1. calculator
Choice: 1
Once user enters a choice the output will be such as
Please enter some data prior creating your application:
What kind of sign your calculator will have?
User will have to enter plus, minus, multiplication, divide. The input will be sent to the source code of calculator as a parameter. Once user enters e.g. Plus & press enter, he will get this:
Application Created! Check your folder.
When user goes to folder he will find e.g. calculator.exe
How can i do this in C/C++ console mode?
Its sounds interesting, creating .exe on the fly, its a good idea to implement such a code in my school project. Is it possible to do it?
Note: i remember i read something one day that talk about hex editing calculator.exe, i just have to make sure you i do not over write what user entered such as "plus", "minus", etc...
To be honest, it sounds stupid to me.
If it was a more complex program, it would be justified, but the more functions a calculator has, the more useful it is. And why would anyone opt out of multiplication?
Anyway, if that's what you want to do, you need to store the source code inside the generator, write each of the pieces according to the user's input, then call a compiler from the program.
I think your time would be better invested adding features to the calculator, though.
no helios! this is just an idea, i'm aiming for more interesting program. I just put the form of what i want to achieve. I wouldn't waste my time to make such application - Generated Calculator....