im starting to make a program to preforms the function of opening things, typeing, clicking ect...
for this i would like to use a virtual mouse and keyboard. My question is how do i acsess this in C++ ?? or does C++ even have this?? is it just the platforms like win32 or QT that have this??
1: Virtual mouse and keyboard
Very possible, very difficult. Yoh can make a simple set of emulators easilh, but it won't work with everything (games) you can make custom drivers- with some hair pulling and perhaps some inline asm
pixel recog in windows is fairly easy just msdn it.
No, I wouldn't even assume it would work on all Window's OS's. Have you ever tried to download a driver and noticed that XP drivers are different than Win7 or WinVista? Win8 I believe is going to have slightly different drivers now. It really depends on how you design it, but you can't assume it'll work until you try it.
so could i creat the drive in anouther language then use it in a C++ program i create and if so what language would be best for all operateing systems??
mmm that sux...last question...if found no tutorials of creating drivers or examples is there any books out there or tutorials any of you know of "for C++ or C# drivers"